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Ukudala iQela leMpendulo yoKhuseleko lweCyber

Yenza iqela lakho lokulwa

Le khosi yenzelwe abaphathi kunye neenkokheli zeeprojekthi ezinikwe umsebenzi wokudala iQela leDabi laseCyber, elithetha ngokweComputer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT). Le khosi ibonelela ngesishwankathelo esiphakamileyo semicimbi ephambili kunye nezigqibo ekufuneka kujongwane nazo ekumiseni iQela leDabi laseCyber. Njengengxenye yekhosi, abasebenzi bakho baya kuphuhlisa isicwangciso sokusebenza esinokusetyenziswa njengendawo yokuqala ekucwangciseni nasekusebenziseni iQela leDabi laseCyber. Bayakwazi ukuba zeziphi iintlobo zezixhobo kunye neziseko zophuhliso ezifunekayo ukuxhasa iqela. Ukongeza, abazimasi baya kuchonga imigaqo-nkqubo kunye neenkqubo ekufuneka zisekwe kwaye ziphunyezwe xa kusenziwa i-CSIRT.

QAPHELA: Le khosi inyusa amanqaku ngokubhekisele kwiMasters kuKhuseleko lweCyber ​​kwiZiko leeNjineli zeSoftware


The Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is a key component of an organization's security posture. By definition, a CSIRT is a team of individuals who are responsible for responding to computer security incidents. While the term "computer security incident" can be used to describe any type of event that poses a threat to computer systems or data, in practice, most CSIRTs focus on responding to cyber incidents – that is, events that involve some form of malicious activity carried out using digital means.

A CSIRT assesses threat vulnerabilities and the potential for cyber-attacks.  They also assess the damage caused by an attack and are quickly deployed with pre-planned strategies to mitigate the attack and have the organisation up and running again as quickly as possible.  Their goal is to prevent further attacks from occurring. 


Why should I establish a Cyber Security Incident Response Team BEFORE a cyber attack occurs?

Creating a Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is an important step in preparing for a cyber-attack. A CSIRT is a group of people who are trained and prepared to respond to a security incident. The team can provide support during and after an attack, including helping to contain the damage, restore systems, and investigate the incident. Having a CSIRT in place before an attack occurs can help to minimize the impact of the attack and ensure that operations can resume quickly. Furthermore, a CSIRT can help to build trust with customers and other stakeholders by demonstrating that the organization takes security seriously. As such, creating a CSIRT is an important part of preparing for a cyber-attack.

Ngubani ofanele ukwenza le khosi?

  • Abaphathi beCSIRT abakhoyo nabangoku; Amanqanaba ee-C ezinje ngeeCIO, iiCSO, iiCRO; kunye neenkokheli zeprojekthi ezinomdla wokuseka okanye ukuqala kweQela leDabi laseCyber.

  • Abanye abasebenzi abanxibelelana nee-CSIRTs kwaye bangathanda ukufumana ukuqonda okunzulu ngendlela ezisebenza ngayo ii-CSIRTs. Umzekelo, abameli beCSIRT; ulawulo oluphezulu; Unxibelelwano kumajelo eendaba, ingcebiso kwezomthetho, ukuthotyelwa komthetho, ezabasebenzi, uphicotho-zincwadi, okanye abasebenzi bolawulo lomngcipheko


  • Ulawulo lweziganeko kunye nobudlelwane kwii-CSIRTs

  • Izinto ezifuneka kuqala kucwangciso lwe-CSIRT

  • Ukudala umbono we-CSIRT

  • Umsebenzi we-CSIRT, iinjongo, kunye nenqanaba legunya

  • Imiba yombutho we-CSIRT kunye neemodeli

  • Uluhlu kunye namanqanaba eenkonzo ezibonelelweyo

  • Imiba yenkxaso mali

  • Ukuqesha nokuqeqesha abasebenzi bokuqala be-CSIRT

  • Ukumiliselwa kwemigaqo-nkqubo neenkqubo ze-CSIRT

  • Iimfuno zesiseko seCSIRT

  • Ukuphunyezwa kunye nemicimbi yokusebenza kunye nezicwangciso

  • Intsebenziswano kunye nemiba yonxibelelwano

Yintoni eza kufundwa ngabasebenzi bakho?

Abasebenzi bakho baya kufunda:

  • Ukuqonda iimfuno zokuseka iQela leDabi elisebenzayo leCyber (CSIRT)

  • Cwangcisa ngobuchule uphuhliso kunye nokumiliselwa kweQela leDabi leCyber elitsha.

  • Gqamisa imiba enxulumene nokudibanisa iqela eliphendulayo, elisebenzayo leengcali zokhuseleko lwekhompyuter

  • Chonga imigaqo-nkqubo kunye neenkqubo ekufuneka zisekiwe kwaye zimiliselwe.

  • Qonda iintlobo ezahlukeneyo zombutho zeQela leDabi leCyber

  • Qonda iintlobo ezahlukeneyo kunye nenqanaba leenkonzo ezinokubonelelwa liQela leDabi laseCyber

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